Remember The Good Times

My friend Dylan found out he had cancer. They went to Houston to get treatment. I got to visit him in the hospital with my family .  When we got directions to his room we saw he was not there. He was coming down the hall and he said “Hey Coach P-nut.” My dad and […]

Child Labor

It is saying that in  1911 kids had to work in mills and didn’t have enough money to go to school. Some  had to work  cut 12 hour shifts and in those 12 hours they might have a ligament and might have a ligament cut off. They got payed very little amounts of money each […]

War Of 1812

William Henry  Harrison led the U.S forces as they defeated a large Native American force. America’s navy scored victory in the Atlantic. Ratified the tready  of Ghent on February 18,1815. On September  19,1813  with  a decisive victory in the Battle of Lake Erie . First thing the U.S. did was attack  the British colony in […]

The battle of Bennington

The battle happened to tack place on August 16, 1777, it to place in New York. On Great Britons side they lost two hundred-seven out of one thousand four-hundred and seven hundred wounded. On the United States side thirty killed out of two thousand three hundred fifty and forty wounded. British forces had great success […]