On Halloween night in the back woods of Kentucky ,a mummy was just entering the dark woods . He saw a shadow in the middle of the woods surrounded by a plentiful amount of trees. The mummy was surprised about is so he started to make sounds and started to walk to the middle. The zombie was playing country music in a abandoned house. The mummy got even closer to the house, and the zombie was sitting down in a chair on the second level of the house. Looking out the window the zombie was looking at the mummy throw the window,the zombie rushed down stairs and slammed the door and ran back up the stairs but on the way up one of the wooden planks broke in a half. The mummy kicked open the door,the zombie looked behind him and the mummy was slowly going up the stairs. The zombie got his leg unstuck and ran upstairs and jumped off the balcony and was never herd of again. The mummy did the moon walk out the door and enjoyed the rest of his Halloween night.