Gorge Washington

I am writing about a president named Gorge Washington. I hope you like this. Gorge Washington is known as the father of our country. He was born on February 22,1732.Back then people had to wear white wigs.He had very bad teeth then. How long did he run for president?

Abraham Lincoln

Today i am studying about Abe Lincolon. I would like to give you a few facts about him.I n a one room log cabin, Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12,1809 in Kentucky.He was a great worker,and he was hungry for knowledge. A sickness went around and his mother got it and died.In 1860, he […]

Christmas Joy

Most people like to celebrate wedding,birthdays,and other things too. My favorite holiday is Christmas.  Christmas is amusing  when my family comes over to us. My cousins and I we either play outside or inside. Instantly, when my mom gets done cooking we sit done and eat. We usually have to eat ham,corn mashed potatoes,and other […]


The badgers habitats are plains,praries,farmlands,and open woodlands. A badger is a great digger.A badger gets its food from the ground. It has a white strip goingdown its back.Their diet is worms, insects,rodents, and snakes. Their preditors are bobcats,golden eagles ,and cougers. They are not endangerd .They have strong front paws.This animal is a mammal. There […]

Drug free Expository

I’m only me if  i’m drug free because, when i grow up i wan’t to be a football player. If I do drugs than I can die from t achieve my goals.I could die if I do drugs. If I do drugs then  I might  think of suicide. If I do drugs I could get […]

Row your site

A kodak bear pretitors are other kodak bears and people.They are not endangerd.There deits are fish,plants,and insects. A female bear is as big as a male bear.There claws are good for diging and other things. I got my facts from http:// facts4me.com.


The most important thing I learned was counting backwares on a number line. My favorite prodject was a milk project. I was most suprised by swiching classes. The thing I disliked most was a color change.